Sainik School Bhubaneswar vaunts a highly equipped and well stocked Biology Laboratory to create environment of “Learning by Doing”, thereby fostering critical thinking and scientific temper among students. Our biology laboratory provides the students with all sorts of facilities ranging from specimens to all kind of equipments. The laboratory is quite spacious with one store room and creatively decorated by students. The lab consists of simple and compound microscopes to studies various slides. We also have digital weighing machine and variety of apparatus for physiological and ecological experiment. In case of emergency we have fire extinguisher. The laboratory is well supplied with the various types of specimen, charts, bones and skeleton, thermometer and other apparatus to carry out experiments with the help of practical classes conducted in our lab. Students are able to gain practical skills which help in better understanding of theoretical concept.

Details of the Staff

1.        Mrs Anima Nanda PGT Biology

2.        Mrs Radhika Debi TGT Biology

3.        Mr Murali Krishna Rao Lab Asst.



Equipment Details

  1. Biological apparatus
  2. Biovisual Charts
  3. Compound microscopes and simple microscopes
  4. Chemicals
  5. Human Torso
  6. Human Skeletal System
  7. Permanent Slides

 Specimen etc.